Is it too late to invest in CELERY STOCK?


Lets talk about the magical elixir that can cure all! YES! You heard that right! Celery is what health and weight loss dreams are made of. Pretty sure it is.. 16oz per day will keep the medications and doctors away?


The health claims surrounding this green drink seem too good to be true, but sadly they are just that. None of these claims are backed by SCIENCE!  They could be PLAUSIBLE, but are not definitive. There is very little research surrounding this UNICORN vegetable that has been around for hundreds of years.  Before you begin to argue… I have done my research and understand the properties of celery. From the  antioxidants, cluster salts, to the nutrients and minerals. 


I am not bashing celery juice. If it makes you feel better than, HECK YEAH! If it helped your acne, gut, skin or anything else, then more power. BUT, I do not agree with the irresponsible claims that lack backing.  I hope you all realize the gurus who talk about this are probably making money from it.  Anytime a FAD claims to be a catch all.. BEWARE! Reflect on the sources who claim this and if the science supports it!   Drinking celery juice alone is not going to drop body fat, get you off your medications, heal autoimmune disorders or cure cancer!


Here is what normally happens.. when someone adopts celery juice into their morning routine, they most likely begin to adopt other healthy habits. In return they may start to feel better and see positive improvements.  This was the result of a healthier lifestyle and not just the juice.  If you continue to eat like crap and not exercise… I can assure the juice is not going to do much! And if it does.. probably a placebo lol. Celery Juice  may help, but is not a fix all.  If you want to get healthier you have to live healthier and that means more than drinking 16oz celery juice.  


Now, if you already follow a healthy lifestyle then celery juice could be a compliment to your nutrition and exercise! If you feel great drinking it, then do it!  But remember your healthy lifestyle is an important factor!