Unfortunately, that tends to be cookies, ice cream or candy. We tend to avoid making anything healthy because it takes too much time and we want to fulfill those cravings! Look no further! Evogen Nutrition has a delicious cake recipe for you and it takes under a minute to cook! We have combined the best of both worlds…. Healthy and Indulgent! The combo of Banana, Peanut Butter and Chocolate is nothing short of AMAZING! This quick cooking recipe gives you that cake texture you need to fulfill those night cravings! Our recipe provides a healthy balance of carbs, protein and fats! (Added bonus, it was made with the delicious Evogen IsoJect Vanilla protein). This cake will leave you feeling satisfied without any of the guilt! Next time you reach for those “empty calorie cookies,” remember this recipe!


1 Ripe Banana

1 Scoop Evogen IsoJect Vanilla Bean

¼ Cup Oat flour

1tsp Baking Soda

2 Egg Whites

1 TBS Natural Peanut butter (optional)

14 gm Sugar-free Chocolate Chips

Makes 2 Servings: Macros P19/C36/F8 (Calories 278)

  • Mash banana in a medium sized mixing bowl until smooth
  • Mix in remaining ingredients until smooth
  • Pour mixture into 2 small glass dishes
  • Microwave 35-45 sec or until firm in the middle
  • Top with Low fat ice cream, Fat free Whip or more Peanut Butter (These macros are additional)

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